How mesothelioma affects lungs
The first thing that it does I s it stops the relation of it with the whole body. As a result we start to lose the breath. For this reason then we will feel that we are having some problem. The next will be we will feel to have so much tension that you will be in the danger of losing it. The disease will be not curable by any means? No that’s not right, with the high technology now you can sure it. If you have this disease and then you still does the dust work or do smoking then suddenly with few years you’re this part of the body will stop the work. So the total system will fail and you will die.

We need to conscious for this. If you don’t get yourself conscious then believe me you are in great danger of loosing the life to a bad disease. But if you are conscious enough and know what you have to do then there is no worry. Just follow the rules and i am sure you can do much better than now. You just need a try to get out of the bad situation.
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