student loan forgiveness
Just in case if you get confused easily, I will be explaining a bit more about Stafford Loans. Basically, stafford loan is the main student loan you can apply for. It is not a different loan type. It is one of the student loans you have the option to choose from. Stafford Loans also divide in two as Federal Family Education Loan Program and Federal Direct Student Loan Program.
As you can simply understand from their names, the FFELP is provided by private lenders like banks. But, the FDSLP is directly provided by the government.
The repayment for stafford loans is exactly the same as general student loans, it starts after 6 months from graduation but you also have the option to choose from student loan forgiveness programs. And you can easily be qualified if have the qualifications for different student loan forgiveness programs. Even though there seem to be specific programs for teachers, nurses and military, you don't need to have those specialties specifically. You have a lot of options to choose from.
At the end of the day, Stafford Loans are just a category of student loans. You should not mix them because basically, stafford loans is student loans. ... (go to post)
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